Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Compliments Go A Long Way

This post is going to get off the subject a bit so it wont include nutrition or work out tips. It is about compliments, both giving and receiving. Everyone desires to be noticed for their efforts. We have to be honest with ourselves because although we enjoy what we do in our fitness quests we want to be noticed for the change in our body. Not that it is the only reason we do what we do but it's probably a pretty damn big part of it.

So last week I am feeling a little blah in my appearance since I am on my bulking routine and have dirtied up the diet a bit and I had 2 great compliments from other members of the gym within 2 days on my growth and appearance. Now it didn't equate to me pushing out an extra rep or going up 10 more pounds on an exercise but it made a difference in my mental frame of mind and that counts!

Bottom line we all love compliments of any nature but we need to share the compliments with others. Don't do it because you feel that you need to but if you genuinely see results from a fellow gym member or friend compliment on what you see and give them the encouragement that you see the results of their efforts. You can give the gift back to those who deserve it.

Have a great week and good luck with your Quest for BIG.

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