Thursday, January 28, 2010

Protein Intake - How Much?

How much protein do you need to maintain muscle and grow? Let me know your thoughts. For me, I was up to 200+ grams per day in October and have declined to 180+ now in January. I have progressively increased my strength and have increased body weight due to the calorie intake above my maintenance calories needed. Now for me at 180 lbs. that is around a gram per pound of body weight which is not enough due to many sources on the internet. I am going to try and increase the grams per day moving in the spring to see if I can continue to make strength and muscle gains. Please comment and let us know what is working for you.

Have a great day!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Question to the Readers

What is your favorite post-workout meal?

Great Muscle Snack

Milk; 1 cup
Oats, 1 cup
Whey; 1 scoop
Peanut Butter; 2 tablespoons

Mix in a bowl. It has a similar taste as no-bake cookies.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Diet Components

182 lbs.
15% body fat

Daily diet components:

whole eggs
wheat bread
peanut butter
cottage cheese with grapes
1% milk
whey powder
protein bars

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Intense Training - Muay Thai

I had mentioned in previous posts that I had began Muay Thai training. Now let me tell you that this has been the best decision I have made in regards to mental and physical challenges. I have never experienced anything like it. It does go against the basic principal for us ectomorphs because of the cardio that is involved but at this point I have not decreased in weight since beginning the classes in the last 3 weeks. I train only 2 days per week which is plenty since I have to keep weightlifting in the mix. Also, my body just won't keep up if I don't rest it enough. I have been making sure that the calorie intake stays consistent and and up in the range that I have been consuming to bulk. I will keep you posted on how the weight and body fat changes as the training progresses.

Have a great workout!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back In The Saddle

I am back at it after a week off. I have decided to try a de-load technique that I read about a few weeks ago. After about 6-8 weeks on a routine of 3 sets/7 reps back the weight down so that you can do 3 sets/10 reps. It doesn't seem like much of a change but the body felt good tonight after the lift. The extra reps created the pump I was looking for as well. Bottom-line you need to give yourself a break from going real heavy all the time. Us ectomorphs can't take the abuse week in and out without changing it up. To me, this has been the key to my growth. Don't stick with doing the same thing over and over!

Have a great night.